23 February 2009

dad, the accidental hero

Dad turned 70 years old this past weekend. Happy birthday!

My dad has helped shape who I am. Few things or people have had as great an influence on me, and so I am very grateful for a loving father who has continually taught me well and lived as he taught.

I have not had the good fortune to see my parents sealed in the temple as yet - I still hope that day will come. However, I have had no lack for righteous example, either growing up in their home or at the present day. Mom has long described dad as a "gentle man", and that title could not be more fitting. My dad defines what it means to be a gentleman to me. He has been my hero for many years. He might say that his life just unfolded that way, but I know that he is not who he is by a series of lucky mistakes and pleasant happenings. He has lived a great life, has overcome much, and been a blessing to his posterity.

A related quote, on the topic of fatherhood:

"I remind you brethren who bear the Melchizedek Priesthood that the seed of the present is the harvest of the future. I urge you, as fathers and as priesthood leaders, to focus more attention on teaching, guiding, and shepherding these young men, especially by example. The Lord has given you that obligation. Remember, the lambs have little chance of following the right path if the shepherd goes astray." (emphasis mine) --Joseph B. Wirthlin, 1988 Fall Conference, "The Priesthood of God"

10 February 2009

georgia on my mind

A couple of pictures from the trip to Georgia. The course we played was The Frog, just west of Atlanta. Took awhile to get there by car, but it was well worth the trip.

Naturally we did things other than golf as well. I'll add a handful of other photos later. Was well worth the trip, and it was good to see Clay and Sarah and their children. Turned out to be cheap for cost as well, which is a bonus.

On arriving home and getting up the next morning, Apple ate breakfast with me and we watched part of a movie snuggled up on the couch together. She's been fighting a cold since the day I left. It was good to see the children and my wife again.

03 February 2009

odds and ends

Two days until the trip to Georgia with friends. I'm excited, probably a little too much so.

Read a good quote this weekend - first heard it in church on Sunday.

Boyd K. Packer, Conference Report 1991
"Inspiration comes more easily in peaceful settings. Such words as quiet, still, peaceable, Comforter abound in the scriptures...

"The world grows increasingly noisy. Clothing and grooming and conduct are looser and sloppier and more disheveled. Raucous music, with obscene lyrics blasted through amplifiers while lights flash psychedelic colors, characterizes the drug culture. Variations of these things are gaining wide acceptance and influence over our youth...

"This trend to more noise, more excitement, more contention, less restraint, less dignity, less formality is not coincidental nor innocent nor harmless.

"The first order issued by a commander mounting a military invasion is the jamming of the channels of communication of those he intends to conquer.

"Irreverence suits the purposes of the adversary by obstructing the delicate channels of revelation in both mind and spirit." (emphasis mine)

It is important to remember that the Lord controls revelation, how it will be given, to whom, and to what level. Most often, he chooses to work in small, quiet ways. If we are not tuned in to those ways, or are drowning them out with louder activities, we will be less likely to receive personal revelation.

1 Timothy 4:15
"Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them;..."

I'm not suggesting "meditation" after the new age sense that we use it today, with yoga mats or scented candles or whatever. Only that time be taken using whatever means brings you closer to God, in quiet ways, that allows your thoughts to be whispered to for inspiration. If that includes yoga mats and candles, that's okay too. :)