Redwood has the toots.
His new saxophone fits his style. He's loving making noises on it, which mostly to this point consist of a handful of toot-like notes...with the occasional strangling noise thrown in when he blows wrong. He does love it, it seems, and I like watching him play. If he can already do that in the first few minutes, I imagine he'll get the hang of more complex things soon enough.
I've spent the last few days feeling hugely, hugely depressed. I keep trying to climb out of it. I'm productive. I'm serving others. I've accomplished some things lately that I've wanted to for a long time. But I'm also really, really unhappy despite things being "good". WTF man. That's about my reaction. Life is supposed to reward you with happy when you're doing right things.
One of the accomplishments is golf game related. Shot -1 for my round last Saturday. Due to the above, I haven't felt much euphoria over it. I'm glad to have it done and overwith, since I've been knocking on that door for a couple of years. I would say I have satisfaction rather than euphoria. And satisfaction is kinda boring, mostly.