31 December 2008

poetry, people!

My wife posted a great little poem at her blog (flowersinmypot.blogspot.com) detailing her Christmas experience this year. The bit of extra thought that our oldest and I put into her gifts this year was well worth it, I think. She has always loved poetry; while many have a gift for words, she has the gift of words grown together.


The presents were opened, the tree put away,
And what do I remember of Christmas day...
It was really quite lovely this year I admit
I didn't expect much but was surprised quite a bit
Some books that I treasured were under my tree
I didn't expect they'd be waiting for me
I opened the wrapping and with tears in my eye
The love of my dear ones I could not deny.

A secret, however, in my stocking did lay
Something else precious for me on that day
A small little note, in my son's own hand
A reminder he's growing from boy to man
A dear little poem he wrote just for me
Of Christmas, of Jesus, of cheer for me
My cheeks they were glistening, my heart did fly
The love of my dear ones I could not deny.

18 December 2008

little links

A few of the places I visit regularly on the web:

My wife's blog; the golf forums; Wishon Golf

It's days like today that I'm grateful for my family. I dislike being away from home - I just don't travel all that well. Looking forward to being back where I belong tomorrow.